Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The final countdown

I know it's April 1st which means April Fools Day. I wish I had something really clever to tell you that I pulled on my hubby this morning but alas, I do not. Maybe next year. (I say that every year). But maybe since I haven't pulled a trick on him in two years now he just won't be expecting it and I can have something amazing up my sleeve! We'll see. If you have any ideas please share them with me!

The main reason for this post is we have FINALLY made it to April! Graduation is just around the corner and I'm getting very impatient. It's like waiting for the last trimester of pregnancy to just hurry it's little tooshy up so I can see the new babes! (No no, not an announcement, just an example of how impatient I am.)

All morning I have had this song in my head and the fact that it's Spongebob only makes it that much better.

This month I have SO much to do and I don't even know where to begin or when to start. Just so much to do.

Where are we going? I DON'T KNOW!
How will we get there? I DON'T KNOW!
When are we leaving? I DON'T KNOW!

Do you see a pattern here?

I'm just going to try not to worry and take things as they come. Haaaaa! Hardy har har. Now THAT'S a good Aprils Fools joke! I'm really stressin', guys.

24 DAYS!