Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Where have I been you ask? Well...

1. I've been sick. Sick sick sick and I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. Hmph. That's why no bloggage has occurred in a while. But That's enough feeling sorry for myself because....

2. ....my poor daughter has not had the easy life the last couple days. She was not feeling too well for a while there. She was up about every hr to two hrs on Sat night leaving mom and dad throughly EX-HAUSTED.  But the next night she slept for what seemed like FOREVER long.

We have a darn tootin good baby on our hands. She is such a trooper! She smiles all the time, she hardly ever fusses when she is awake and she usually gives us at least 4 hr sleeping stretches each night. So it was weird when she was waking up so often. Once we figured out the problem we did all we could to help. Finally, last night after going to the dr, we got the worst out of the way. It was hard on me, so hard in fact I cried. On top of what she was already going through she had to get her shots. I will never forget the sad face she made when they stuck her with those needles. She was so happy for the nurses and her Dr at first. She was lying on the table smiling and cooing as usual. I tried to keep her focus and once they stuck her her little eyes got HUGE, watered up and looked at me like she needed my help right then and there and as fast as possible!! WORST. FEELING. EVER  in my tummy. The tears rolled down her face before she could even get a scream out. Then the screaming went on for 5 mins so I fed her and she was just fine again. TROOPER. She slept for 6 hrs before waking up at 4 this morning with a slight fever. We gave her baby tylenol and she was out again until 8:30. She has felt much better today. Still a little fussy though.

We plan on meeting Santa in the next week! I'm beyond excited to take Haddie. We went last year to get a picture with him and the rotten elves cut the line off right after the person in front of me. I was so bummed. But not this year! Haddie WILL get a picture with Santa and those, hopefully, not-so-rotten-elves.

We have lots of events coming up this month. My ever so lovely sister in law, Andrea, is getting married to an ever so charming young man, Aaron, on the 15th. We are excited. I think Emmett is battling the big brother role of feeling protective and excited. It's kind of cute :)
We are also super stoked about spending our holidays/ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY in Washington State! Last year when we were there for our wedding reception I hardly got to see or do anything. So this year Emmett is taking me all over for sight seeing at it's finest! Counting down the days!

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