Friday, January 31, 2014

What happened Wed

Wednesday was a pretty normal day for the Fletcher Clan. Emmett was at school, Hadds and I were home playing and cleaning. Nothing out of the norm. Haddie played hard that day, took her normal naps, we ate nothing unusual for breakfast, lunch and snack times.
We were just about to start vacuuming when the men came home. (Emmett and Uncle Eric). After floors were cleaned and bellies were full we probably put on a movie.
When 4:30 rolled around soon after I left to go nanny. The kids and I read stories, played Wii, practiced music, homework, did hand stands and 'exercised'. We had BLTs for dinner and I was home by 8:30. Hadds and I did our standard bedtime routine. Jammies, story, song, snuggles and bed. 10pm-ish came around and I went to bed. I remember laying in bed trying to go to sleep but my tummy just felt...different. I felt like I needed to puke. Sometimes that happens though so I tried to ignore it. I fell asleep but was still in that weird in-between sleep and being awake mode and puking was still on my mind.

Then out of nowhere I jumped out of bed and screamed, "EMMETT!! EMMETT, HADDIE IS CHOKING!!" I ran to her room and sure enough my little nugget was face down in her own vomit gasping and crying. A mother just knows these things. I picked her up and rushed to the bathroom where Emmett met us and she continued to gag in the bathtub. Then.....I leaned over to the sink and tossed all my own cookies. My poor brother in law and our friend Daniel were in the living room when this was taking place and they had snuck out ever so quietly. Who could blame them? Then poor Emmett...he had two sick gals on his hands and well, only two hands. I was fending for myself while he took care of the Hadds.

This went on a lot of the night. errr, early morning. I was summoned to the couch and Emmett had Haddie in our bed with him. I could hear Haddie whimpering and I couldn't do anything for her. Heck, I couldn't do anything for myself! Until a thought came to me. A BLESSING! Duhhh. So I asked Emmett to give me one and he went to his sister's house, who is luckily our neighbor, (this was at 2am btw) and got our brother in law to give me one so he could hang on to Haddie.

I've always loved blessings. Never have I been given a sickness blessing and felt it work right away though. This time was different. While Aaron was giving me the blessing I was holding my rather large puke bowl and thinking "Please don't barf now... please don't barf now" because I felt like it was about to happen. As soon as it was over, I felt a million times better and I didn't get sick again. He gave one to Haddie too and she never got sick again either! In fact, she went right to sleep, and the next morning was almost her spunky self again, dancing and playing but still very tired. It wasn't until later in the afternoon she had a very bloated tummy and was in lots of pain, crying for hours and nothing was helping her. I ended up taking her to the dr but by then she was a lot better. The nurse looked her over and talked with me a lot and didn't even charge us!

Last night was a rough one for me though. Felt queasy, drained, couldn't eat anything and all I wanted was ice cream. Which I never got and still want, by the way haha. I took cat naps all day, then an hr long nap at 7 and went to bed at about 8 and slept until after 10 this morning. That's A TON of sleep people! That has to be a record for how long a mom gets sleep. Right? Well this morning I'm loads better and so is Haddie. She's a wee bit of a crank today though. But who could blame her?

Well, that post was a lot longer on barfing than I had anticipated. If you made it this far, good for you, and thanks! Till next time!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Oh, Hey there, New Year.

I know, I know. It's been a little long since my last post and we didn't leave on the best of notes. Depression. Who has time for THAT!?

This year, though it's only been barely an entire month, has been one of our bests around here lately. We have some amazing things to look forward to this year, so much to be grateful for and so much we are excited to work on. Together. As a family. Just to catch you up and not leave you hanging, wondering what could she possibly be talking about (looking forward to whhhatt??) I'l fill you in.

It's Emmett's last, yes, LAST, semester!!! WHHHAAATTT!? That means easy peasy classes and more time at home. Seriously, I couldn't have asked for anything more. Haddiecakes loves to have 'Daduuuhh' home with us too. He's job searching so pray for us and wish us luck please!

We've made some wonderful friends recently. Friendships we hope will last even when it's time to leave the Utah bubble. Mommy and mommy-to-be friends have really helped me grow (No, I don't mean taller. Let's be real that kind of growth for me is loooong gone) but grow as a mommy and learn a lot. I'm grateful for them and getting me out of the house more. I've made it a point to get out of the house at least once a day. Maybe for a walk, trip to the library whatever it may be and that has helped tremendously. 

We've made resolutions and so far stuck with those.  Some are silly, some are hard but we are proud of our new goals and commitments. 

I can say proudly and honestly say that I am happier than I have been in a long time. It really has been due to my attitude adjustment, exercise and eating better. Can I get a Hallelujah?!

I cut about 11 inches of my hair off. It may sound silly but that alone has made me feel like I can accomplish anything. It was a huge step for me. I marched over to me sister in laws and said, "How do you feel about spontaneous decisions?", and BAM! Haircut. 

In a matter of weeks her vocabulary has soared and she runs...FAST! Some of her favorite words are: Uh-Oh, Yeah, Mama, Daduuuhh, Hot, Ahhh (after taking drinks), ball, up, woah, ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! (for when she wants something for her) and some others she doesn't say quiet as much. It's exciting! 
She has met some friends her age and loves to have them around to run and play with. I'm SO so glad we have some youngins around so she can have playmates her age. Her favorite activities include: going up and down stairs-by herself, dancing, twirling in circles over and over and over and over and I'm totally not exaggerating how much she spins in circles, going outside, sliding, playing with other kids, reading books, she recently starting singing and humming, climbing on and into everything, drawing, climbing on our table and dancing in our window, hide and seek, chase, and she loves to clean! Thank goodness for that. She sweeps with me, holds the dust pan for me, pushes the vacuum around the living room while it's on, washes her hands and wipes her mouth after eating (or just for fun) and flushing the toilet. 

Here's a funny story for you. Haddie has a good friend who happens to be our neighbor, they are only about 8 days apart and really get along well. In church on Sunday we got there a little late so we had to sit in the back when normally we are in the front. Her friend came from behind us with some graham crackers to share. We were near an open space so it was ok for them to walk around where we were. So this little friend starts laying down the crackers on the floor and backing up. Haddie climbed off me to grab the cracker and found herself following a trail of crackers made by her friend. It was so funny! They chatted it up, walked around, played and then out of no where Hadds decides to make a break for it. She ran all the way up the isle to the front of the church and headed straight for the piano. I was a ways behind her speed walking as fast as my little legs would allow looking at the ground and trying not to make eye contact when I hear LOUD piano keys being played. Of course there is my daughter on her tip toes banging on the piano, all eyes on her when a poor sister is just trying to giver her talk. I said, "Haddie, this isn't YOUR time, this is HER time" and of course people around me heard and laughed. Embarrassing but a story I'll cherish forever. Kid loves her music. She attempted this at least two more times before the end of our service. 

Well, that's all for now folks! (: