Wednesday, March 13, 2013

An illness worth blogging about

Germs are taking over.

But we are fighting back.

I recently posted a facebook status about how sick I was. (Am). It went something like, 
"...I'd rather go through child birth again before feeling like this again...blah something blah blah.." 
Yeah guys. 
Child birth was easy peasy if I do say so myself, I'm a blessed woman I guess, but this illness has turned my world upside down! It started off with lots of sneezing and a stuffy nose. I thought it was probably due to this beautiful weather and all the Spring wonderfulness coming about. 
Then, it really hit me.
You know when you swim and you go so far down that your ears start feeling obscure amounts of pressure in them and it's almost like your head is about to burst right then and there?
Well friends, this is how I have felt for the last few days.
It started Saturday and we are now to Wed and I have yet to kick this germ death. 
Sunday I had my lesson all prepared for my primary class and had to call another teacher to take over for me. I felt bad it was so last minute but I brought her all my notes and activities I had planned.

That night we had some friends come over and all day Emmett was saying I should cancel but I didn't want to. I just thought it was allergies and not an actual illness. But boy was I wrong. Right about when everyone was supposed to show I started getting really bad. I had an ice pack on my head, every time I blew my nose my ears would pop, I had chills, but my head felt like it was in a hot bubble, my body ached, my head pounded, I was constantly blowing my nose...
Needless to say, I was SO NOT FUN that night. 

We promised the in laws we would Skype with them since we didn't last Sunday so after everyone left we hopped on the computer. We have a computer set up in our bedroom so we went in there and I laid in bed while Emmett did most of the talking. 
Kid you not, there I was, in bed, in jammies, stuffed up so I was talking funny, I had a new roll of TP by my side, 4 kinds of meds, a trash can, an ice pack, chapstick, orange juice and 2 layers of socks on. I was at my worst. 

My mother in law, sweet as she is, got a few laughs in at me which I took well haha and she sympathized with me too. 
The pressure in my head was so bad I ended up getting in the shower to hopefully clear my sinuses up a bit. Instead, I made the shower so hot I was getting dizzy and sick to my stomach so I had to get out sooner than I had wanted. That was my 3rd shower that day, BTW.
I had a headache worse than I have ever had in my life that night!! Nothing was helping. Emmett gave me a blessing which then I was able to sleep. (at 3am fyi) Haddie woke up sometime around 4am, which never ever happens and was crying. Emmett went to check on her and she threw up! 

Come Monday morning, I wake up and my husband is still in bed with me and our baby is still asleep. 
Yep, we are now ALL sick. Well, so I thought, somehow Haddie has managed to stay  germ free and is just an expert sleeper-inner. YA-HOO! I guess throwing up the night before was just a weird one time thing? Because she was perfectly fine right after and all day.
In the days of this horrid illness I have had lots of time with my little family which I have needed very much. I've prayed for it and though this wasn't exactly how I pictured it'd go, it was still nice to have my husby home. We played games, took naps, watched I Dream of Jeannie and spent time with our sweet girl. Friends brought us a humidifier, meds and some women from our church, my vt's, brought us a delicious meal last night! And that happened because of my silly fb status! 
Today Emmett is back at work/school, still feeling a bit crumby, as am I, but we are much, much better than we were in recent days. 
Thank. Heavens.


  1. Danica, I am SO sorry you guys have been so sick. Have you ever tried lemon juice and salt in hot water? I know it sounds gross, and, quite frankly, it is rather disgusting, but if you can get it down it usually helps. It helps with coughing and throats and sinuses. I hope you and yours get better soon.

    PS. Your blog banner is adorable.
    PPS. In case you get confused by the icon picture, it really is Natashya from Southridge. I just have weird blog pictures. :)

  2. Hey! I haven't tried that. Only gargling salt water. Luckily it wasn't sore throats but I'll do anything to clear up our sinuses so thanks for the suggestion!

    PS, I didn't know you had a blog
    PPS, it's awesome
    PPPS, I followed it :) and I'd love another follower myself, if you'd like ;)

    1. I will definitely follow you. For some reason I thought I had, but apparently I've just been seeing them on facebook. Consider yourself followed. :)

    2. That means that you'll appear in the side bar every time that you post. It's cool like that.
