Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Apples and sunshine

Since the last post the weather has been bipolar going from warm to cold, sunny to cloudy and I think it even sprinkled here and there one day. I can't really complain because I'm liking the change up.  I used to hate when the weather didn't make up it's mind but now, it doesn't get too hot and when it starts getting too cold it warms up a bit again. It's a whopping 55 degrees right now with a chance of snow. 
Last Saturday the family went to my brother in law and his wife's place for another movie themed party. This one was for the movie, Tangled. One of my favorites I've seen way too many times, yet still watch it once every week or two.
Everyone invited was asked to bring something tasty to go along with the theme. I decided on cute little apples. Maximus loves apples.
I made them out of rice krispy treats, tootsie rolls, strawberry jello and frosting.
Alls I did was make the rice krispy treats like normal but added about half a packet of the jello powder to make them a little sweet.
When they were ready I sprayed my hands with baking spray and molded them into small balls, just a bit bigger than golf balls. Added tootsie rolls to the top, my husby made the frosting and molded leaves with it and wallah!
For a cute touch I placed them in a basket I use for Haddie's socks. But shhh...nobody knew that when they ate them. Muahahaha! 

Oh yes, he also molded a little Pasquel :)

Haddie and her cousin, Anne, seemed to enjoy parts of the movie too. Though after awhile they started interacting a little with each other and it was one of the cutest things I've ever witnessed! We also decided Hads likes people. She smiles at everyone and likes to show off her tricks. (Rolling and getting on her knees) She wasn't shy to do so at the party! What a show off :p

Today the little miss and I went outside to enjoy the sunshine while it lasted. 
Every new sound she heard she would turn her head to look at what it was. It was usually a bird though sooo she never actually saw it. It got so bright I grabbed a hat for her that I thought was going to be huge but it seemed to fit alright.
She was getting a little cranky so I was hesitant to get all our stuff and bring it out if she was just going to continue to be a crank and I'd have to bring it all back in. She loved it though and jabbered my ear off for about 30 mins and smiled at everything. She even laughed!! 
She has only really laughed and not squeaked a handful of times but apparently, the sunshine brings it out of her! That, and I found her ticklish spot last night :)

She was giving me the hang loose sign.
She would NOT look at the camera almost at all while we were out there. She was much more interested in the new world around her. 

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