Sunday, August 5, 2012

Road trips of late

There isn't much of a clean, organized way to do this that wouldn't take a long length of time..SO, get ready for a slight picture overload of the past few weeks :)

First let's start with the drive to Ca. In a car with no AC. I think it goes without saying that while 7 months pregnant this was a terrible idea. Especially when going through Vegas, mid day, at 106 degree weather. Slurpees helped a lot though! Big. Giant. Cold. Slurpees. MMM.

We had a minor set back with my plan to swim every day, as much as I possibly could while home. My uncle broke a pickle jar in the kitchen one day and thought he had gotten all the glass picked up. Not exactly. My poor husby ended up stepping on a lingering piece and the cut was so deep he probably should have gotten stitches but refused. (WARNING: GRAPHIC PICTURES TO COME) sorta.
I guess you can't really tell how bad it was in these but trust me, his foot had lips for a while there.

We got it all cleaned up and superglued shut though. Now it actually looks like it has healed pretty nicely.

One of my most favorite parts about going home is I get to see my Little. She's a ball of fluff, the sweetest thing and loves to cuddle. Her name is Lola. And I luff her soo much! 
We spent our mornings outside on the porch watching the golfers, eating fresh oranges and shnuggling. THE. LIFE.

I was also able to see one of my good friends for breakfast, Hilary! It's been so great to be pregnant so close together even though we lived so far apart. Emmett, her and myself went to have breakfast and she brought along her best friend, Felicia. This was the first time I met Felicia but I've heard so much about her and I just love her. So sweet! We were all pregnant (except Emmett of course) and so I'm sure to anyone else it probably looked pretty funny to see us all together.  Hilary gave birth only 2 days later and Felicia is due only a short month ahead of me!

Our plan was to arrive in Ca Sat and leave the following Sat. super early in the morning. Well with Hilary in the hospital and me not knowing when the next time I'd be able to visit there was no way I was leaving without meeting her baby. It took 33 hours, we left about 4pm on SUNDAY but I got to meet my little nephew, Wyatt David Bartlett<3  He is perfect in every way!

Emmett and I sure are getting our baby holding practice in these days.

I decided I would do a short blog post about my baby shower so I will save those pictures for a later date. A sooner-than-later-date. 
We had such a blast in Ca and we recently just went to ID for a family reunion as well for Emmett's mom's side of the family. I don't think I have many pics from that but it was sure fun and HOT! I was nearly dying while out there. 
Have you ever played liars dice? If not, you should. It's way fun! 
Now, back to our some what normal life...maybe.

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