Being out of town, errr out of state rather, was a BLAST and I Can't wait to tell you all about it. But for this post, I need to quickly jot down my resolutions for this newly new year. Yes, I do realize I am 8 days late. Eventually, I will be checking these off and maybe even adding a few others.
But for now...
()Read the Book Of Mormon
everyday and all the way through
()Do my pinterest
()Learn to play guitar
and/or piano. (This will most likely be guitar since I have no piano near by or a teacher)
()Read a book a month. ( My initial goal was 100 for the year. Let's be real here people, I'm a new mom so THAT goal..probably not happening this year so a book a month will suffice)
()Yogasize (Yoga as excersie, of course)
() Be optimistic and positive
()Remember to see myself as Christ does
() Find the guts to apply for college
()Remember to see myself as Christ does
() Find the guts to apply for college
and the big one....
HAHAHA ya right!
And now to start, and catch up on, my list of things I am grateful for this year.
1. My darling man of a husband. Never have I met a man who didn't throw things of my past back in my face. Even things I had no control over happening to me. I never trusted someone so quickly, never fell for someone so fast. Never felt more safe in someone's arms.
Getting cheesy yet?
He doesn't always get on my back for not eating my crust from, well any crust, he accepts that I like Taylor Swift, my socks never match, I get really competitive when it comes to card games and everything just tastes better coming from his plate or cup. Not to forget he also gave me my beautiful daughter, Haddie Dawn. Which brings me to numero dos.
2. My little love buggy. She brings me so much joy. I was certainly blessed with an easy child. I knew that much as soon as she was born. Labor was easy, I actually ENJOYED it, she goes to bed when we put her down, she doesn't need to be constantly held, she cries only when she needs something and on average she sleeps 7-8 hrs a night. Maybe not everyyy night but for the most part. :) Haddie picks up on sounds, faces and routines quickly and even at 4 am when I'm beat, grumpy and can barely stand up, I can't help but smile when she smiles at me. Every mother always thinks they have the smartest baby ever. I know that can't be true. Only one baby can be the smartest ever and well, that's mine :)
3. The sun/warm weather. I LOVE being warm. Even if it's a million degrees I still have to sleep with at least a sheet on me to feel snuggly. Unless I'm pregnant. This is one of many reasons I love my home of Sunny San Diego. But not just to be warm do I love the sun. I'm grateful for it because it helps grow vegetation that we need to survive, it gives us Vitamin D and come on, it gives us some beautiful sunrises and sunsets that make me grateful for each and every new day.
4. Technology. I miss my family a lot since moving away over 2 yrs ago. So I'm grateful for the different kinds of technology we have to stay in touch and even SEE each other even from 800 miles away. And when I have the time of course..
5. Life's ups n' downs. I may not have said this years ago but since being baptized into the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints I sure know how to count my blessings each day. What I've learned from doing this is that most of my blessings, people in my life and so on have come from these trials I have had at some point or another in my life. For example, one ex boyfriend I probably cried way too many tears over led me to the next ex boyfriend who I'm sure I probably cried too many tears over as well and so on and so forth and they all led me to my now husband who gave me our daughter and, you get it...Sooo, thanks exs! And thanks life and Heavenly Father for my trials and lessons learned!
6. Missionaries. I could talk about them for hours but I'll spare you. Through revelation and through prayer missionaries were brought to me and taught me the Gospel of Jesus Christ and for that I am extremely grateful. I know they saved my life by teaching me how Christ saved it first. A couple of my best friends are on a mission right now and I know they are doing the same for others. I'm grateful for you Elder Ladroga, Elder Jones, Elder Kang, Sister Neal, Sister Bell and Elder Hayes and all those others that have served, are serving and will serve.
7. Showers. I've been spit up on, peed on, drooled name it. Showers are warm, showers make me clean and showers give me 15 minutes of quiet time. It's the littlest of things sometimes.
8. Education. I may not have a college degree yet, but we are all blessed in this country to be able to go to school at all. Some countries don't have an education system or a good one at least, some places certain people can't go even if they wanted to. I'm grateful for being able to read and write and for the opportunities we have in our schools that others don't.
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