Saturday, April 13, 2013

Story of my life

Okay I'm not really going to go into the story of my life. I'm just going to tell you a funny story that happened to me last night which basically sums up how my life normally goes.
Ahem.. ok. 

So last night I convinced Emmett to take us all to the Senior Celebration on campus for all the graduating seniors and their families. He didn't really want to go but hey, you're only a senior once!

When we got there they had many activities. One being ping pong. We scored a table and starting playing with some friends. Emmett and I went head to head and truth be told-he whomped me. 
 There we are just playing around, goofing off and not playing seriously when he smacks that little plastic ball so hard and fast at me I didn't even see it coming!! 
Hit me right in my chest and let me just tell ya, this morning I STILL have a mark from it.
Obviously that's not the funny part.
Here's the funny, kinda sad, part:

I decided I HAD to try and get him back. Only fair right?
So it's my turn to serve and I'm thinking, 
"HA! He has no idea what's about to hit him, I'm going to smack this little ball so hard in his direction...that'll teach him. Muahahahaha! This is for all the wives that have ever been hit by a ping pong ball hit by their husbands!" 


Now OF COURSEEEE my ball would fly right past him (it was very hard and fast though, mind you).    All of a sudden it's like slow motion as I'm watching this ball fly through the air and my smile slowly turns to a "Nooooo" type face when I see this innocent, happy, crawling BABY behind him and the ball I just smacked heading right for him. 

These were my faces. you can probably imagine it hits that poor kid right in the forehead and he puts his head down just in time for that plastic, white, evil ball to dribble up and down from floor to head, floor to head. I nearly wet my pantalones. 
Two by standers near the kid looked at me like I had just killed a baby bird or something. 
May as well have..

I rushed over there apologizing that I had just used their poor child as a target and what was supposed to be revenge on my husband. They slowly backed away saying, "It's not our kid.."
 Phew, I had gotten away with it. 
Oh and PS, the kid was completely fine :)
 Then the mother, the real mother, looks at me and starts shaking her finger in my direction. *GULP*

She then smiled and all was forgiven. Though I'm sure if her baby had been screaming it may have been a different ending to this story. 
I felt so bad. 
Moral to the story?
Sometimes, revenge is just not worth it.

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