Thursday, April 25, 2013

Stroller mania-register 8!

With our trips to Ca and Peru coming up, my husband and I have been busy getting ready. We showed our apartment some TLC that was much needed, finished finals up and went shopping for a few things.
While shopping I had the opportunity to 'talk down a price' of an item we really wanted. I'm not one to do this because I get embarrassed and though my mother would NOT agree with me, I don't like to argue. But it was 10pm, I was tired, I had an exhausted baby and husband and my brain was all outa wack.
WARNING: You may find me a tad over the top, maybe even crazy after reading this but I promise, I'm not! And that this was not a usual occurrence for me.'s what happened. 
I am completely proud of myself for this by the way!!

We went looking for a cheap stroller that I could take to the airport so in the case that something happened to it, it wasn't our nice and expensive one. Not to mention it'll be a lot easier lugging it around when it's just me and the baby. We found a few at good ol' Wally-World but they were all either boy or girl patterned/colored. That's all fine and dandy but we like buying neutral colored baby items in the case our 2nd child is not a girl.

No, no no, this is NOT an announcement.

So we find stroller #1. It's a neutral color, it's sturdy not too big, not too small and it even has a visor on it. No box, no label on it and the only price we could find said $48.00. Ouch. So I thought since it must have been a display that maybe we could get a small discount on it. 
We put it in the cart. 
After meandering through the store a while longer, like an hr, we came back and picked up stroller #2. Pink, polkadots, no visor, small, un stable wheels-$15. Ehh.
With both strollers in the cart we discussed and decided that we wouldn't pay more than $25 for stroller #1 so if we found that it was more we'd just get stroller #2.
We got to the register and asked the cashier to find the price for us. At first he looked really annoyed that we had asked him and said to us, "Did you not ask an associate back there?" WOW. I was just thinking, "Well, there's a thought. Now you'd think if I had seen someone I would have asked but noo we are in Walmart and there is absolutely no ever ever, that works here, to ask for help. Ever." I didn't say this to him and tried to be nice but I was thoroughly annoyed and just needed to go to bed. He told us that they sell displays for a bit cheaper so he proceeded to 
scan this dog gone stroller over and over and it just came up as item not found. Emmett kept saying, "We can just get the other, we can just get the other." I was determined to get this stroller though. Looking back now I REALLY don't really know why or what came over me.
He called his manager over and she tried scanning it but no such luck. She even said they DONT sell displays but still tried scanning it. Again Emmett was just saying we could buy the other one but this time he looked very embarrassed. The cashier saw the look on my face and looked back and Emmett and said, "She doesn't want it, man." He was right haha! I was even telling people in line behind us that they would probably want to go to the next cashier because we might be awhile. WHO AM I!?

Eventually we DID buy stroller #2.  The manager said she was going to take the first stroller to customer service and figure out what was going on with it. ALL I WANTED WAS TO KNOW THE PRICE! Well, I had one last chance so I chased her down after being rung up saying, "Um, excuse me, Miss, excuse me!" I asked her if she could write down my name and number and if she did in fact figure out the price of the stroller and it was $25 or less could she call me and I'd come get it.

She pulled HER manager over and we told him the story. He says, "Oh, well, just sell it to her for $10."

I was so pleased with myself. We returned stroller #2 and walked out with #1, saving $40.
It sounds like we were there doing this for an hr but really it all happened in a span of about 10 minutes.  Emmett still looked embarrassed but he was very happy and proud too :)

1 comment:

  1. SunnyD out of character for sure. But all I can say is: "Git 'er done!"
