Thursday, September 6, 2012

Baby Practice

I've had some great baby practice this last week and a half.
I got the opportunity to watch our friend's baby girl, Olivia.
Here's what I learned and was refreshed on:

1. Headbands are pretty cute.
  I used to think that now a days every baby girl had to wear one or she would be mistaken for a little man. But I've really come to really like them. Therefore, my baby girl will probably wear them.

2. Rockers are AWESOME.
Plop baby (gently of course) in there and make funny faces-entertained for hours! Well at least, a fair share of minutes.

3. You really are on diaper dooty (duty) All. The. Time. 
Everyone has said you go through diapers faster than you think. True story. Very true.

4. Binkies are better cold.
It's hot these days, let's face it. Pop a bink in the freezer a minute or two and shabam! Instant refreshment.

5. Some days are just easier than others.
Giggles and naps one day, crying for hours the next. Either way, how could you not love the littles?

6. Babies like to be held and rocked.
Only when doing this you have to be standing. At least for me this last week. As soon as they fall asleep and you think it's ok to sit or put them down-it's not. But it's going to happen anyways! Haha

7. Burp cloths are a must.
Spit up is inevitable. At least it's better than poo on you. But that also is going to happen eventually.

8. Swaddle = life savor!
If only I knew how to do it correctly and perfect it. One day. But for now, the simple burrito roll works just fine.

9. Feeding time is favorite time.
Of course next to nap time. They don't eat a lot at a time, but frequently. Plus it's super adorable when they are still making the little sucking motion even after you have taken away the bottle and they are sleeping haha. Ahhhh love.

10. What do I do with myself now?
Even after this short time I've come to find that once the baby is not around, I find myself with more time on my hands and I'm not sure how to use it. I know I'll appreciate this one day. In the meantime, I have no excuse for the funny and weird faces I probably still make. 
Ps, the whole making faces at babies and weird sounds is TOTALLY NORM. It just happens, when in the presence of cuteness such as a small tike, the faces are just going to happen. 

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