Saturday, September 29, 2012

Nesting Maybe?

Where did this energy come from!? Maybe THIS is nesting. I slept in 2 hrs later than I normally do and woke up in a great mood. Even though my Husby had to go to campus and I knew I wouldn't see him all day. But I have been able to get so much done!

Baby girl's clothes are all finally washed and I only have the last load to put away, I did more laundry, I  cleaned the kitchen, dusted, vacuumed, I even fixed our bar stools that were getting wobbly. I find myself wanting to hang pictures we still have yet to put up since moving back into our house, take on projects that I have thought about but didn't touch for months and.....mmm what should I bake? I REALLY want to bake!

My family comes into town next week, my due date is 11 days away..

I can hardly contain my excitement! 
I'm going to be a MOTHER soon!

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